"I think I'm going to start smoking again."
Now, just take a moment and digest the content of that proclamation. From such a short sentence, one can deduce that this person has been a smoker in the past and had taken the steps necessary to kick the habit. Then, after a period of not being stinky, this person had carefully weighed the pros and cons and come to the conclusion that living life was much better in a cloud of noxious fumes.
Naturally, my curiosity had been piqued and I went from accidentally overhearing to full fledged eavesdropping. This person continued, "It's really good for reducing stress, and I'll lose some weight too." Yeah, that's sound logic. As though there aren't things that can reduce stress and help you lose weight without giving you cancer!
Sounds like the first stint of smoking destroyed at least one half of that person's brain. Why not finish off the other half?
yeah, but i like blackened lungs. they're cool.
plus so many people are quitting, i don't want to be trendy anymore...
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