I'm so freakin' sick of the iPhone. I even get nauseated just typing its name. Sure, it's pretty and shiny and does lots of nifty stuff, just like the popular kids from school. But as Ani DiFranco once sang, "everyone harbors a secret hatred for the prettiest girl in the room."
But you didn't come here to hear me rant about why I think that the iPhone is just a blonde bimbo with a black soul. Instead, appease your destructo-lust and watch the prettiest girl in the room get her just desserts (you can see the black soul escape at 58 1/2 seconds into the video).
Wasn't that fun? Thanks, Tom. Keep up the good work.
The Rules believes that dressing one's pets is a surefire way to declare one's insanity. But if you're going to let the world know that you're nuts, might as well go out with a bang: